The link in the title takes you some images taken during a workshop I attended in 2007. I really enjoy Laura's energy. It's seemingly boundless. I met her while I was helping guide some elementary school kids through a tour of the Tall Grass Prairie Preserve in Gardenton. Laura won me over in the first fifteen minutes of the tour when she suggested we take the kids in the swamp to get them good and wet early in the day. Her sense of play in firmly rooted to say the least. Some of the teachers were less impressed. The kids learnt a lot that day.
Mark you calendars for Laura's "You can eat that?!" Wild Edible Adventures!
Saturday, May 15
Saturday, July 3
Location: Gardenton, MB (1 hour south of Winnipeg)
These hands-on workshops will teach you plant identification skills, harvesting techniques and how to incorporate common wild edibles into everyday meals. The plants
or plant parts used will depend on the season. Examples of past menu
items include: milkweed fritters, stinging nettle soup, curried chickpeas and cattails, wild mushrooms, cattail "corn" bread, burdock root, wild salad, dandelion wild mint cake
and various types of teas or coffee.
Cost is only $75 if you register early! (See attached posters for registration deadlines.)
Class size is limited to 12 to maximize your hands-on experience, so sign up soon!
Please forward this to anyone who may be interested. I would also be grateful to anyone who can print a poster and hang it up at their workplace (or anywhere!).
Hope to see you this spring!
Laura Reeves
will you be offering these workshops again in 2011?
Irene I don't put these on. I've volunteered a couple of times when Laura has needed a hand. Laura is still very active with this type of thing. She's got some other interesting workshops going too. You can reach her directly at Laura Reeves eatwildedibles at gmail dot com