Wednesday, June 17, 2009


The tadpoles better hurry or the water will be gone before they've got their legs under them. Snoot cut the grass this morning and made inroads into more of the swampy area south of the shop.

The area is mostly covered in slimy pond scum with a little open water still on showing. The open water puddles were teaming with activity today. The tadpoles are beginning to require a breath of air much more frequently now and there were many poking their noses up above the waters surface while we watched. I can't imagine what a factory for frogs our yard must be. The area is squirming with life everywhere you care to look.

I saw a very fat plains garter snake today that was obviously enjoying plenty of easy meals of frogs and almost frogs.

I couldn't get to a camera to get a shot of the one I saw today. I picked the snake up and it defecated with great enthusiasm, swinging it's tail all over trying to spray it around as much as possible. I managed to stay clear of the mess, but the dogs were onto it in no time so I let it slip back under the board walk across the trench and back to safety instead of taking the photo opp.


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