Saturday, January 28, 2006



I joined an on line community of mostly women last year at I'm ADHD in the extreme and work from home, so structure is my own to manage. I'm not much of a manager. As I began to take my ADHD more seriously, one of the things I looked at was creating ways of imposing structure to my days from external sources. Flylady has been effective, so I suck up any objections I might have had and continue to shine my sink.

On a mailing today from flylady I saw this go by and thought it was worth taking to heart. Personally I think the evidence of a pandemic coming eventually, is overwhelming. Influenza isn't something science has been able to make any inroads into and that's not about to change any time soon I don't think.

I wish I could find the New Yorker magazine article I read years ago now, about the process that goes into creating the yearly vaccination for the flu. It was a remarkable piece, maybe someday I'll take the time to dig it up.

Nature magazine keeps cropping up in my life now too over one thing or another. Last fall or late last summer, Nature published a very interesting piece on the likely scenario of events as an influenza pandemic developed. A subscription is in order I think.

Hi To All

As most of you know, I am a disaster volunteer for the Red Cross.
Last night I attended a meeting regarding a pandemic and how we, as
disaster volunteers would respond. This is just in the beginning
stages and may Never happen, (we can only pray) but we were told to
tell our friends and family how to be better prepared if and when this
happens. They have said, there will be little the government can do
so it will have to be handled at the community levels as it will be
EVERYWHERE and probably all at the same time. That is why we must
prepare now.

So...... please stock your cupboards with a minimum of 2 weeks worth
of food and water. It may be that you will not be leaving your
home....expect the worst so that you are prepared.

Go down to hardware store and buy N95 masks for yourself and your
family members. They come in packs of 3 and are in different sizes.
Make sure they fit properly.

Once it becomes pandemic, these will not be on the shelves and it will
be to LATE! As far as Tamiflu, they don't even know if it will work,
not alot you can do at this time.

OK-not trying to scare anyone, but it is real and the sooner you take
these precautions the better.

Next week I should be getting an email from the RedCross outlining
what was discussed that I will forward.

Let's do what we can to protect our loved ones.

One more thing...if you have babies or small children, make sure you
always have at least 1 month supply of formula...etc.

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