Wednesday, September 23, 2009

Moen cynic

How difficult can it be to send what was requested?

< lateral slide >
Like thinking about making money when you buy, rather than when it's time to sell, it's all about the hiring rather than the firing.
< /lateral slide >


Asked for the one little part and was shipped 15 bags of parts and some other random bits that had nothing to do with my conversation with customer service at Moen. The phone convo left no doubt in my mind that the correct terminology and part numbers had been communicated.

Tight ship Moen.


Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Pleiades rising

The Pleiades - Seven Sisters (M45) are peeking through the haze on the eastern horizon when I take the dogs out before bed. Soon it will be joined by Orion and the fall hunt will be on. Time really does march along at a good clip.

The Pleiades are better viewed through binoculars mounted on a tripod or steady rest than through a telescope. I love seeing them again as they mark the passing season for me. In the summer it's the amazingly dense M13 star cluster over head in Hercules that defines the season. It's way better in a scope. In winter it's always Orion that keeps me company even on casual outings.

The fall is a comfortable time to be out viewing the night sky. Let me know if you're interested in losing some sleep. You can scan some charts and set you agenda and we'll go hunting the sky together sometime. Tonight looks like a good night to be out if I could keep my eyes open!

The water is so low in the river that it's soundless from the house. It's glorious to have this warm dry spell after so much cold and wet weather. I'm basking in it regularly like a lizard might depend on it for sustaining life.

knitting a scarf in plastic

First project is done. I learnt a lot doing it, but I've got a long way to go before any of it is second nature. I finished this five footer the day before yesterday and am well into the next one. Eventually I'll graduate to an honourable fibre. Thanks to Karen for the yarn, Mum and Rita for the painful (for them) introduction.

6mm kneedles.
Cast on 30+
- Row 1 & 3 Slip one as purl, purl one, * k2 p2
- Row 2 & 4 Slip one as knit, k1 p2 k2
- Row 5 Slip one as purl p1 k2tog without slipping from the needle then k first st again and take off needle p2
- Row 6 Slip one as knit, k1 p2 k2tog as row 5 k2 remaining at the end of the row.

* = repeat
tog = together
p = purl
k = knit


Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Visting the folks

I've been home for three and a half days and it feels like many more. I took a few days to visit with my folks on Vancouver Island last week. Fall was in the air there, but although a little on the cool and damp side for most of my time there, it was obvious that it had been a scorching hot summer. Any grass that had not been irrigated was parched to a deep brown.

Mum and Dad are healthy and active. Dad's off every morning and sometimes twice a day to visit with a machinist friend. I joined them one morning and got a peek at a nice old Case tractor model under construction. Dad's still doing a bit more hoarding than consuming of the shop materials, but he's got some fine taste in wood, I'll give him that. He's got an impressive array of small exotic pieces for consideration. My shop is too small to wield a sheet of plywood, so the smaller projects have more appeal to me.

Mum and I have a number of common interests, and remain distinct from each other in our tastes. That always makes for good conversation fodder. For the first time in months I took a break from playing guitar and singing. Their house didn't seem up to my volume levels. Maybe some other time when I have a brother there to help overwhelm the norms. Instead I took advantage of the two master knitters in my family to take a few lessons from them. I'm not the quickest study, but I did finally manage to learn a simple pattern after Dad helped, by taking some of the bluntness off the large needles I was using. Last night I finished up a simple scarf in some miserable yarn at the five foot mark. It's not perfect, but I don't have my ten thousand hours in yet either. I gather that Mum and Rita are well beyond that threshold.

I was pampered with food. Wild sockeye and local prawns started me off. It was followed by a dinner of fish and chips at Fish Tales which was as good as ever.

We caught up with some fine improvisational jazz at the Old School House on Tuesday afternoon until we had to scram and do the preparation for a stir fry that night. That community is loaded with talent.

Even shopping for groceries is a treat. The "Qualicum Foods" store is jammed with goodies. The freestone peaches and the new Macintosh apples were highlights. The apples landed in a Scotch apple pudding. I ate one of the peaches in a crowded waiting room in the Calgary airport on the way home to envious glances. It was a "running down your forearms and off the elbows" type of peach. Qualicum Foods is very involved with community support and it seems to be the default setting for many of the people in Qualicum beach, at least in my parents circle of friends it is. People routinely offer up garden produce, seafood and whatever else they have to offer. It makes for an abundance of smiling faces. Fresh figs are not unheard of. Oh my!

The tea Mum sent me home with is comfortably put away and this morning the roses she cut and sent with me for PU have begun to drop their petals. The fine weather isn't enough to distract me from a bit of sadness at being far away from them again.

One of Mum's most recent water colours:

Child on feet

Some crazy fine knitting of Mum's. Unfortunately I didn't take my camera when I spent the afternoon with my aunt Rita. I'd never seen big spools of fine fibre like she had on hand. What an output!


Light shawl?

Here's the set of images of some Mum's work. From the link, just click on the images to get a better look.