Tuesday, September 7, 2010

Fall harvest - more droning on about garlic

This shot is very flattering I must say. I've become confused about the amount I harvested this year. The figure I had seemed unreasonable so the jury remains out on the total weight.


Every year I can't resist taking this same shot.


Not very many hot peppers this year. I canned about three litres of sauce and remain very happy with the recipe.


James and Boo picked wild grapes for jelly and the crew were busy here cleaning them. They were savagely acidic and hurt a couple of the folks with more sensitive skin. Boo got 11 small jars out of this and says it tastes very exotic and quite pleasant. Apparently James and his domestic grapes get the jelly treatment tomorrow. I can't wait to taste some of this stuff.


Brenda's cute summer squash



  1. I love those summer squash! They are always a great find at the market. Very yummy grilled on the BBQ.


  2. How do you prefer to cook them? I usually cook things like this by splitting and cleaning them. I like to apply a bit of olive oil or butter and sprinkle with pepper, but I'm wide open to ideas.
