Thursday, September 11, 2008

Hugo gets a big meal

One of the layer chicken cocks got donated as a snake meal tonight.

This is 640 grams of chicken going down the hatch of a snake that still unsettles me with it's size and willingness to behave without regard for my well being.


It's a terrible shot, but to pull the door away would have likely resulted in him regurgitating the effort so I left him be. I'm just happy he's got a good sized meal into him. I'll have another serious go at handling him again when that meal has settled.

I thawed the bird on the counter all day and warmed it up in the microwave before serving it up. Then I set it on some newspaper and left him alone with it. It took him a couple hours to get around to eating it, but I'm happy that he has taken it at all. I hope he eventually takes them feathers and all so I don't have to clean the darn birds.

I'll try and get something fresh for JC the next time he's due for a meal. Hopefully he'll adjust to poultry too and that will bring my feed costs down quite a bit. Next are some trials with rabbits, but not until some of the fall chores are out of the way. Does life just keep getting more intense as you go along?

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